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2022 HOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Annual Meeting
Serenoa HOA Annual Meeting
Thursday, April 21⋅ 5:PM – 7:PM
Note----Ballots can be cast in person from 5:PM-6:PM. At 6:PM the meeting will be called to order, and the election count will begin. Ballots will not be accepted after 6:PM If members are still in line at 6:PM their ballots will be accepted.
Note---- Do not U.S.P.S. mail in your ballot at this late date. With the holiday it is unlikely to make it to Elliott Merrill by the annual meeting (Election Day)
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1. In person voting from 5:PM to 6:PM
2. Call to Order 6:PM
3. Roll call of membership
4. Proof of notice
5. Appointment of Volunteers to Count Proxies & Election Ballots
6. Introduction of Candidates
7. Election of Directors - Collection of Election Ballots Not Yet Cast
8. Approval of Minutes or 2021 Annual Meeting
9. President's Report
10. Treasurer's Report
11. Old Business
12. New Business
13. Election Results - Introduction of Board of Directors
14. Adjournment
REVISED Serenoa Second Election Notice (Ballot Package)
Compilation of Q&A's Answers Provided by
Megan at Elliott Merrill
Email: meganm@elliottmerrill.com
Fax: 772-569-4300
1. Voting in person....do you have to check in at IG Center on the 21st, by 6pm to receive your ballot?
2. If answer to above is yes , what time does check in start ar the IG Center on the 21st?
3. Will any check ins be accepted after 6pm if members in line by 6pm have not been, checked in and handed a ballot?
If you are still in line at 6:00 pm we will still hand you your ballot.
We will not turn you away the moment the clock strikes 6. Now if the line is gone and someone walks in at 6:05 and the meeting has started and ballots have been called for they will not be given a ballot.
4. How many do you anticipate can be checked in over a 10 minute time span?
we cannot know that but we will have three ladies from Elliott Merrill signing people in.
5. Since all previous proxies are revoked, how will those out of town members get their new limited proxy/ballot to EM On time. Mail is slow and may not reach you timely. Can limited proxy/ballot be emailed or faxed?
Yes they can turn in via email or fax.
6. If limited proxy/ballot can be emailed and or faxed, what is email address and or fax number?
Email: meganm@elliottmerrill.com
Fax: 772-569-4300
7. Can members give their limited proxy/ballot to a neighbor to bring in to the meeting on the 21st?
8. Can members give their limited proxy/ballot to a neighbor to drop off at Elliot Merrill by 5pm on the 21st of April?
9. If a member is allowed to give their limited proxy/ballot to a neighbor to be delivered by either of the above 2 methods, does that neighbor have to be named as their nominee, or can member name anyone including Mr. O'Malley as their nominee and can any neighbor deliver the limited proxy/ballot to EM or bring it to the meeting by 6pm?
the person delivering the completed proxy can be any owner. It does not have to be the proxy holder.
10. If a neighbor is allowed to bring another members limited proxy/ballot to the meeting as in question 7, would the neighbor turn it in when they check in for the meeting, or hold the limited proxy/ ballot until the meeting reaches Collection of election Ballots Not Yet Cast?
Since they will be checking in with us first and it is an already completed ballot they can just give to us at check in.
11. Will room with seating for 70 be expanded if more show up to vote than there are seats, so that all members in attendance can hear the meeting and observe the counting?
Yes if needed
12. At any time will the current or future board have any physical contact with these ballots prior to the final count or after the final count? If so, when and under what circumstances?
13. On the Limited Proxy/Ballot, should member enter both Lot number and address or just one or the other?
Both as requested on the proxy/ballot
14. On the Limited Proxy/Ballot, beginning states the undersigned owner(s) or their voting representative(s)
A. Do all owners need to sign or just the Designated Voter, which in this instance would be one of the homeowners?
The designated voter can sign OR both owners can sign.
B. Does designee, (which in this instance would be Mr. O'Malley),or nominee ( which is in reference to a neighbor you have chosen)need to sign?
C. Under the signatures, it asks for the Serenoa Homeowners Association Address. Would that be:
200 11th Sq SW, The clubhouse address?
No this is the owners address once more.
15. When one neighbor who will not be at the meeting gives their ballot to another neighbor who will be there to turn it in, does the voter fill in the blank in this section “the Secretary of the Association, his/her designee, or __, as nominee, and proxy with powers of substitution for….” with the person submitting the ballots name? Or does that empty line get left blank?
It depends on who the owner wants as their proxy. If the owner would like to keep George O'Malley as their proxy then they would leave that line blank. If they would like to choose someone else other than George as their proxy then they would write that persons name in the blank. They can make George their proxy and still have someone else drop off for them.
16. Another question about the person designated as a proxy- does it have to be the person designated to vote in a household.
If someone puts a name in the blank proxy line this person who is listed needs to attend the meeting for the vote to count. It does not have to be the person who is on file to vote for your home. If you are planning to attend in person you can also vote once you arrive. We will have ballots there as well.
17. Will any of the original ballots & proxies which were turned in at EM be counted or do they need to be re-executed with the new forms?
According to the attorney if an owner has previously submitted both their ballot AND their proxy we will still count those.
18. Elliott Merrill is a well known and respected management company that serves many communities. Many residents are wondering how this error happened and why it wasn't discovered until after the election packages were mailed and received by the Serenoa community?
Our understanding was that the election was to be held via secret ballot as discussed at Board meetings. There were several questions raised about the election from contents of the package to communications sent to homeowners. We raised all of these issues at once with the attorney to get clear direction on how they want us to proceed. The Board and management has chosen to follow the advice of legal counsel. We have sent the notice as directed by the attorney. We will answer any questions on how owners can submit their vote as they come in.
19. With only 8 days to the election, and many have not even received their replacement package, they should be instructed to vote in person or by email, the USPS will not likely get it back to EM in time.
They can submit via email or fax if needed.
Email: meganm@elliottmerrill.com
Fax: 772-569-4300
20. If I'm the nominee / designee for my neighbor, yet I used a mail in ballot myself, should I still check in BEFORE 6 so those counting votes know I am in attendance and representing my neighbor by on time attendance? Just wondering how the attendance of proxy nominee/designee will be determined.
Yes if you are their proxy we will need you to sign in by 6 to certify their ballot.
2022 Candidates
Remember there are five (5) open positions on the Board of Directors:
--For your vote to count please only select 5 of the candidates on your ballot
--This is not an online ballot, all ballots were mailed to your residence
--If you have not received a ballot package, contact Elliot Merrill directly.
--Given the Short time to the election, we suggest all voters either drop their ballots off in person at the annual meeting, or at Elliott Merrill prior, or email scanned documents to Elliott Merrill. USPS is unlikely to make it back to Elliott Merrill by the day of the election
Eric Amati
Kristine Gabor
Charles Hatherhill
Steve Hogan
Jim Kordiak
Diana Leever
John Marincas
Tim Martin
Warren Miller